<nav class="main-navigation medium-down--hide"> <ul> {% for link in shortcut_menu.links %} <li class="main-menu-item{% if link.links.size > 0 %} has-dropdown{% endif %} {% assign base_url = shop.url %} {% assign coni_url = canonical_url | remove: base_url %} {% if coni_url contains link.url %} is-open {% endif %}...
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- Progress bar two step free shipping/ free Product based on selected country Shopify
- Hide unavailable variant option from the swatch and dropdown Shopify PDP
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- Shopify Article page diplay product on article based on SKU added in the article description
<!-- Free shipping progress markup --><div class="cart-shipping__wrapper cart-page__congrats-massage-box"> <div class="progress_area"> <div class="progressbar_start" style="width:"></div> <div class="main-progress"> <div class="progressbar_step1"> <span class="free_shipping" ><span class="checked-icon" style="display:none;">{% render 'icon-checked' %}</span>Gratis Versand</span > </div> <div class="progressbar_step2"> <span class="free_gift" ><span class="checked-icon" style="display:none;">{% render 'icon-checked' %}</span>Free Gift</span > </div> </div> </div> <p class="cart-shipping__success"...
<script> const variantSelects = (document.querySelector('variant-selects')) ? document.querySelector('variant-selects') : document.querySelector('variant-radios'); const pickerType = (variantSelects.querySelectorAll('fieldset').length > 0) ? 'radios' : 'selects'; const fieldsets = (pickerType == 'radios') ? Array.from(variantSelects.querySelectorAll('fieldset')) : Array.from(variantSelects.querySelectorAll('.product-form__input--dropdown')); const productJson = JSON.parse(variantSelects.querySelector('[type="application/json"]').textContent); let selectedOptions = []; variantSelects.addEventListener('change', rebuildOptions); this.rebuildOptions(); function validCombo(inputValue, optionLevel) { for(let...
{{ 'section-image-banner.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}{{ 'component-slider.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}{{ 'component-slideshow.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }} {%- if section.settings.slide_height == 'adapt_image' and section.blocks.first.settings.image != blank -%} {%- style -%} @media screen and (max-width: 749px) { #Slider-{{ section.id }}::before, #Slider-{{ section.id }} .media::before,...
{% assign sku_content = article.content | split: '<!-- sku -->' %} {% if sku_content.size > 1 %} {% assign textAfterSku = sku_content[1] | split: ' ' %} {% assign numbersAfterSku = textAfterSku %} {% endif %} {{ numbersAfterSku }} {% if sku_content[0] != blank %}...
{%- assign current_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant -%} <span id="color"></span> <button id="color" type="button" {% unless current_variant.available %} disabled="disabled" {% endunless %} onclick="add_to_cart_grid({{current_variant.id}}, 1)" class="btn btn--full" > {% if current_variant.available %} Add to Cart {% else %} Out of Stock {% endif %} </button> <script> function add_to_cart_grid(variantid,qty){ var...
file type image: {{ product.metafields.product.variant_swatch_1 | img_tag }} product type url: {{ product.metafields.custom.prod_link_1.value.url}} Multiple product type: {% assign cust_product = product.metafields.custom.complete_the_look_products.value %}{% for cust_product in cust_product %} {{ cust_product.title }} {% endfor %}
{% for item in cart.items %} {% assign cust_product = product.metafields.custom.complete_the_look_products.value %} {% for cust_product in cust_product %} {{ cust_product.title }} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}
{%- for variant in product.variants -%} {%- if variant.title contains value -%} {%- assign variantImgSrc = variant.image.src | img_url: '300x' -%} {%- break -%} {%- endif -%} {%- endfor -%} {% if option.name == 'color' or option.name == 'Color' or option.name == 'Colour' or option.name...